A Level Results Day 2023: All the results and celebration photos from across Derbyshire

Daisy Manning and Rachael Spinks at Netherthorpe SchoolDaisy Manning and Rachael Spinks at Netherthorpe School
Daisy Manning and Rachael Spinks at Netherthorpe School
The waiting is over for thousands of Derbyshire students as they got their A-level results today

Here we look at how they got on and highlight some of the high-flyers.

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Derbyshire A-level results

Derbyshire A-levels

Thousands of pupils across Derbyshire have received A level results today – with many securing places at top Universities and internships.

As students across the country could finally open their long awaited results envelopes this morning, top A-level results across England, Wales and Northern Ireland have fallen for a second year running with 27.2% of all grades being A* or A. It follows a spike in top grades in 2020 and 2021, when exams were cancelled because of Covid.

In Derbyshire, many students were anxious to find out how they did – with many successful pupils celebrating fantastic achievements.

Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Education Councillor Alex Dale said: “The last few years have been difficult for all students, their families and school staff who have all worked incredibly hard in very challenging circumstances.

“I’d like to thank headteachers, teachers, staff, governors, parents and carers for supporting our young people through this important time in their lives.

“There’s plenty of advice and support on offer for all students from their school or college as they consider their next steps and I’d like to wish our students all the best for the future.”

Netherthorpe School, Chesterfield

There were lots of happy faces at Netherthorpe School as students’ hard work paid off with ‘outstanding’ results for those who sat exams over the summer. Across the UK, 79% of those receiving results gained a place at their first-choice university – and that was also the case at the Staveley school with Sixth Form students gaining places at universities including Loughborough, Durham and Lancaster.

Netherthorpe has achieved its highest rate of passes at A* to B – 39% - since 2017, excluding the pandemic years. The school has also seen a number of pupils opting for degree-level apprenticeships locally for companies including engineering giants Rolls-Royce.

Eighteen-year-old Lauren Rodger was at Netherthorpe with her parents, Carla Quinton and Daniel Rodgers, to collect her results. She achieved straight As in business studies, maths and product design and is off to Northumbria University to study Design for Industry.

Lauren said: “Designing products for businesses has been my favourite subject since I joined Netherthorpe School in Year 7 and I’m so pleased that I’ll be able to study it further at university.”

Carla, Lauren’s mum added: “Lauren has worked so hard and put in a lot of effort. We’re really proud of her.”

Head boy, James Vernon, 18, is celebrating an A* in psychology plus two As in maths and PE by jetting off to Barcelona. He will study Sport and Exercise Science at Loughborough University in September.

James said: “I’m delighted that I got into my first-choice university. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time at Netherthorpe and received a lot of support from school whilst studying for my A-Levels. I’m looking forward to enjoying the rest of the summer and a trip to Barcelona.”

Other results included two A*s and an A in maths, history and physics for eighteen-year-old Riley Lockwood, an A*, A and B for Megan Ives, who is off to study law at the University of Leicester, and an A*, two As and a B for Sam Rhodes.

He said: “It will be strange not coming back to Netherthorpe in September as the school has been a huge part of my life. I’m looking forward to going to university – I’m off to study mechanical engineering at Lancaster University – and I’m so excited.”

Connie Fagan, meanwhile, achieved three Level Three Distinctions in Health & Social Care and will study Primary Education at Sheffield Hallam University later this year.

Headteacher Helen McVicar said: “I have been so impressed with the dedication and hard work by our pupils this year. Teaching staff have worked tirelessly to ensure that they were prepared and able to fulfil their academic potential and take the next steps in their educational journey. We are proud to be an inclusive school that gives all students an opportunity to increase their life chances and access competitive opportunities beyond school.”

Students at Netherthorpe celebrate their resultsStudents at Netherthorpe celebrate their results
Students at Netherthorpe celebrate their results

Highfields School, Matlock

Highfields students are continuing a track record of success, with two-thirds of students achieving A*-B grades, and 86% achieving A*-C grades. Several students are heading to Oxford and Cambridge, to study subjects including biology, economics, maths and English literature.

Deputy Head Peter Cole said: “Some students have faced extremely challenging circumstances outside of school but, despite this, have achieved outstanding results and as a staff group we are incredibly proud of them”.

Director of Sixth Form, Martin Flett, said: “One of the hallmarks of this year group has been an interest and enthusiasm for learning which, for many students, has taken them well

Highfields studentsHighfields students
Highfields students

beyond what they need to know for exams. This has made classrooms a thought-provoking and enjoyable place for teachers as well.”

For a long time, more of our students have taken Maths A level than any other subject, and this year 75% of those students achieved an A* or A grade. Rebecca Brown, Head of Maths, said: “Students had formed an after-school maths club where they encouraged each other and teachers really enjoyed working with them”.

Liz Cruise, the Assistant Head of Sixth Form, said: “This year group has been fully invested in the wider life of the school community. They have taken the lead in designing and delivering lessons tackling challenging issues, including consent and relationships, where what they say has a real impact. They have led dance troupes and choreographed the school musical, listened to students who have been struggling and have been champions of inclusivity.

“They have been generous and proactive in using their initiative to make sure that younger students have fun and enjoy their time at school. We know they will continue in this spirit in their future careers and wish them huge success.”

Heanor Gate Academy

It has been another successful results day for Heanor Gate Spencer Academy’s post-16 students, with lots to celebrate today. Pupils’ grades surpassed those achieved in 2019, before the pandemics. 46% of students taking A-levels have achieved the top grades (A*-B) and 47% of the Year 13 students enrolled on an ‘Applied General’ or ‘Vocational’ qualification.

Heanor Gate AcademyHeanor Gate Academy
Heanor Gate Academy

Mr Jones, Principal, said: “We are extremely proud of our students. In really challenging circumstances during the pandemic, this cohort of students did not have the opportunity to sit their GCSE exams and we are really proud of how students managed their first set of formal high-stakes examinations. Their resilience, commitment and positive attitude has seen them achieve some remarkable grades.

Mr Graham, Assistant Vice Principal and Head of Sixth Form, said: “On behalf of the Sixth Form team I would like to pass on our huge congratulations to all Year 13 students. Echoing the sentiments from Mr Jones, we truly are immensely proud of what you have achieved and the resilience you have shown throughout your Sixth Form journey.

“Early indications are that this positive set of results has once again secured exceptional destinations for our students, with 90% of university applicants being placed at their first choice institution. We also continue our track record of securing highly competitive institutions and courses for students including Oxbridge, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.

“As well as confirmation of traditional university places we are also immensely proud of seeing an increasing number of students this academic year go on to highly sought after

degree apprenticeships. Whatever your post 18 destination, we wish you all the best for the future and look forward to hearing about your progress over the coming years.”