Disgust as video emerges of Chesterfield woman shouting racist abuse at group of black men

A Chesterfield woman was caught on camera racially abusing a group of black men.A Chesterfield woman was caught on camera racially abusing a group of black men.
A Chesterfield woman was caught on camera racially abusing a group of black men.
Footage of a Chesterfield woman shouting racist slurs and abuse at a group of black men in the town has sparked outrage.

In the 10-second video, a woman was seen repeatedly calling three young men “f****** black c****” while being pulled away by another man, at just after midnight on Monday, May 3 outside KFC on West Bars.

The Derbyshire Times has seen the video but decided not to publish due to the offensive nature of the language used.

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A relative of one of the men who received the abuse, and wishes to remain anonymous, has spoken to the Derbyshire Times and also alleges that the woman was drunk and slapped one of the men three times.

Derbyshire police confirmed the incident, which has been reported to them, is being investigated.

The family member said the woman is a ‘local girl’ who works a Chesterfield business and knew the men who she levied the racist abuse at.

She added she does not want the woman to be ‘trolled’ or receive any ‘hate’ on social media, but instead urges her to take accountability for her actions.

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The woman’s employer said they had received complaints which will be ‘taken seriously’ and have suspended the employee while an investigation is conducted.

The relative, who admitted she has been called the ‘n word’, chased by white men and had people yell monkey chants at her numerous times in Chesterfield over the past 12 years, explained how watching the video made her feel.

She said: "I was shocked, I was so saddened, I feel disgusted.

"I can hear her screams, it gives me PTSD from when I've been through that.

"At what stage do people stop thinking like this?"

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"If you are having an argument with someone then have an argument but don't bring race into it.

"But you can't wake up the following day and say 'well I was paralytic, I can't remember' and think that is an ok reason to call people names and be racist.

"It really hurts, it hurts so much to be called anything outside of who you are."

She claims the woman also made derogatory, racially charged comments towards her relative for wearing a durag, along with telling the group of black men to ‘go to KFC’ to eat chicken.

She added: “We are proud to be black.

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"But when someone uses your race as if you are less than, that's when it angers you because you must think my race is something to use as a weapon against me and something for you to just throw around.

"We don't want her to be trolled, we just want her to take accountability of what she's said and done and be clearly sorry.

"It's all good and well saying you're not racist but that was racist behaviour.

"That doesn't mean you have to be racist forever, you need to take accountability, that's where it starts.”

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A spokesperson for the woman’s employer said: “We do not condone behaviour of this nature by any of our team. Our employee is suspended from duties whilst a full investigation takes place.”

In a statement, Derbyshire police commented: “The force has received a report in regards to this incident and enquiries continue.”

A message from Phil Bramley, Derbyshire Times Editor

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