Derbyshire man, 77, took his own life by placing himself in front of train

Our thoughts are with Terence Neal's loved ones.Our thoughts are with Terence Neal's loved ones.
Our thoughts are with Terence Neal's loved ones.
A pensioner who had a history of depression took his own life when he placed himself in front of a train, an inquest concluded.

Chesterfield coroners' court heard Terence Neal, 77, of Cheetham Avenue, Unstone, died at Dronfield railway station on the evening of April 4.

In a statement read out at Friday's inquest, Mr Neal's daughter Patricia Black said: "My father never made any mention of harming himself to anyone."

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Recording a conclusion of suicide, coroner Peter Nieto said: "Mr Neal, a retired computer systems analyst, died on the tracks at Dronfield railway station as a result of being struck by a train travelling at approximately 90mph.

"He suffered fatal injuries at the scene.

"From January he was noted to be experiencing low mood and he commenced antidepressant medication on March 10.

"Due to a side effect of the medication this was stopped within several weeks.

"His GP practice kept him under review and Mr Neal was not assessed as being at risk of self-harm - indeed he never expressed any thoughts of harming himself to anyone.

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"On the evidence the court finds that Mr Neal deliberately placed himself in front of the train with the intention of taking his own life."

The inquest heard Mr Neal's family was concerned that his antidepressant medication was withdrawn weeks after it was prescribed.

They felt 'something should have been put in place' and 'more could have been done' to help him after the medication was stopped.

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